Richmond Water Heater Repair

Are you in need of water heater repair services and maintenance in the Richmond area? Call Lambert Plumbing & Heating, Ltd today at 604-734-0890 for immediate service.

Water heaters that are found in a home or typically a conventional gas or electric model. These models have an average lifespan of about 11 years. A newer tankless model lasts between 15 and 20 years. The efficiency of a water heater. If you have any problems with the water heater in your home, then call the professionals at Lambert Plumbing & Heating for a solution.Proper maintenance of your water heater prevents unnecessary repairs that are required. A water heater in a home will need annual maintenance to ensure it operates at peak efficiency. Required maintenance requires various steps and making any necessary repairs.The first thing that a technician will do is examine the exterior of the water heater. This is done to look for any signs of leaking. Leaking often means that the tank has rusted. A rusted tank means you need to have a new water heater installed.

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If you have water that is not getting hot enough, then the thermostat may be faulty. A technician is able to check the thermostat and determine if the water is being heated to the correct temperature. Your unit may also be set too hot if you notice that your utility bill is always high. The average temperature for the water heater in your home is about 120 degrees.

A test will also be performed on the pressure relief value. This valve is used to vent stream if pressures inside the tank get too high. Increased pressure is often not a problem if the temperature is set properly and the thermostat is working correctly.

Water heaters will decrease in efficiency the longer they are used. This is often due to sediment buildup in the tank. The best way to correct this is to flush the tank. Flushing the tank is the process of draining the tank of water. A technician can perform a full flush of the tank or do a mini-flush. Water that comes our of the drain value slowly often means a blog is present. The technician is able to easily remove any type of clog and continue draining the tank.

Are you in need of water heater repair services and maintenance in the Richmond area? Call Lambert Plumbing & Heating, Ltd today at 604-734-0890 for immediate service.